
Sunday 25 March 2012

Spanish Breakfast @ Brindisa

Borough Market can be a royal pain in the arse, but that's not to say there aren't some good things about it. Chief among those is Brindisa, not only for its food shop but also for its tapas bar. I've previously enthused about the former's chorizo sandwich, but in this post I want to pay homage to the breakfast served at the latter.

As much as I'm a fan of the full English, this Spanish alternative of ham, egg & fried potatoes is an equally great way of setting yourself up before braving the Borough Market crowds. And then there's the coffee. While half of London is genuflecting in front of the Antipodean flat white, I believe the Spanish café con leche, as served at Brindisa, is superior.

It isn't cheap. The ham, egg & fried potatoes costs £11.90, and you won't get much change out of £20 after ordering a coffee and an orange juice. But unlike some places I can think of, I don't mind spending that kind of money on what is a mighty fine breakfast.

Tapas Brindisa on Urbanspoon

Tapas Brindisa, 18-20 Southwark St, 
London SE1 1TJ
Nearest station: London Bridge

Breakfast is served on Fridays & Saturdays 9am - 11am


  1. Yeah, in my RSS reader, with your blog under the post title, I accidentally RAF that as noodles at Brindisa and so in was very confused by the content. Great looking breakfast though!

  2. If the ham tastes as good as it looks then the brekkie is most definitely worth it. I've eaten the chorizo sandwich before and loved it, like you, but have yet to squeeze into Brindisa for meal. Mind you, i used to love their store on Exmouth Market so I really ought to pull my finger out and go for it,

  3. oooh - that looks quite gorgeous, despite the price tag. I think I'd have liked my spuds a bit crisper-looking.

  4. Su-Lin - there's no reason why Brindisa can't start serving noodles. After all, fideua is a marvellous Spanish dish!

    Gworm - the ham was belting!

    Lizzie - the spuds were OK, but I know what you mean.

  5. I remember your quest for fideua! Did you ever find it anywhere other than that not-so-great place in Clapham?

  6. The problem with Brindisa is to get a table! This breakfast looks very lovely indeed, not sure though if it would be worth queuing for...

  7. Kake - alas, I haven't been on the fideua trail for a while. Thanks for reminding me!

    Ute - it's less stressful to get a table at breakfast than at other times. In fact, I only went to Brindisa because I couldn't get a seat at Elliott's Cafe!

  8. I am not sure if the Cambio de tercio outpost at Parson's Green do fiduea. If not, let me know and I'll make some at Maltby Street one day and you can have some then.

    1. Indeed, Cambio de Tercio (Parsons Green) does serve fiduea. That said, I'm sure you can rustle up a better version!
