
Friday 15 April 2011

John Charlick Foods - The Best Sandwich in London

The word legend is one that is much overused but I can't think of a more apt description of John Charlick Foods. This shop isn't your run-of-the-mill sandwich shop; it also serves soup, salads, and at least one hot dish every day, stuff like lasagne or fish cakes. Throw in some homemade desserts like lemon tart, and suddenly eating at your desk doesn't seem that much of an ordeal.

Back in the day, I used to work two minutes away from John Charlick Foods, but nowadays it's more like twenty minutes. Needless to say, I rarely make my way there but when the spring sunshine suddenly appeared recently, I decided to take a trip down memory lane.

Sometimes nostalgia can play tricks but I'm pleased to report that little has changed here. I immediately went for an old favourite, roast beef and horseradish. It was just as good as I remembered, a made-to-order sarnie with loads of rare roast beef, fresh leaves, and proper horseradish in a top quality ciabatta roll. This is how all sandwiches should be made.

John Charlick Foods, 142 Gray's Inn Rd, London, WC1X 8AX
(Tel: 020-7278-9187) Nearest tube: Chancery Lane

PS: This post is dedicated to Mariana for reminding me of the brilliance of this place.


  1. El Greco's sisterFriday, April 15, 2011

    Proud to have been able to contribute to your excellent blog Noodles. I have only one thing to add. Charlick's Sausages...unsurpassed.

  2. Oh, I've happy memories of Charlick, from my days of working in Rosebery Avenue. Next sunny day, I may have to stroll down from the West End.

  3. It does look like a particularly fine sandwich. Thanks for the tip I am going to have to check it out and see fro myself.
    There is a small shop near to Marylebone Lane that does for me the perfect sarnie, but the name escapes me for the moment.

  4. EGS (Mariana) - how could I forget to mention the sausages? They are superb, whether served with a salad or in a sarnie with loads of hot pepper jelly! It's a shame that you can't really get out to Charlick's anymore.

    Anthony - Always good to see a fellow fan!

    Mzungu - you must give it a try if you're in that part of town. And you must find out the name of the Marylebone Lane sandwich shop. We need to see more of these places on the blogs rather than the over-exposed places that bloggers (myself included) write about.

  5. i would like to thank all the above ladies and gentlement....
    it makes all worthwhile to get up every morning at 5.30 and to stick to our principles.
    we have been here since 1978 and never shown any interest in opening other shops or indeed a chain.
    Our customers know our children,bring their children to meet us and this is the way we like it.
    Luigi and I have been working together for 32 years and still get exited about a new salad or a new small supplier from cornwall. ( from where, BTW ,all our fresh and smoked fish comes from )
    Very nice to be appreciated,thank-you all.


  6. Piero - it's my pleasure to feature your shop, and it's always good to hear from the people behind the places that I feature on the blog. I don't know what more to add, as you guys have been championing good food for so many years now!

  7. Girando per Londra sono capitato anche io da Piero al John Charlick e sono rimasto impressionato dalla cortesia e dalla qualità offerta, alta cucina e fantasia con tanta qualità.

  8. gilberto - welcome! My Italian is not so good, but I can only assume that you are praising the mighty John Charlick Foods! And so you should. In any language.

  9. grazie Gilberto,sono contento che anche lei sia entusiasta del nostro negozio.

    Mr Noodle,

    This is quite amazing,i had no idea about your blog until our fishmonger informed me about it.
    It looks like we both have a following in Italy too.
    Many thanks again.
    Maybe one day i will explain you how john charlick foods came about.
    You and your readers might find it interesting.

    Time to have a rest now..
    We shall be back on Tuesday May 3rd.

    Happy Easter to you and your readers.


  10. Piero - Happy Easter to you too!

  11. True old school sandwich shop, I just can’t get enough of the smoked halibut on rye and my new favorite has to be the Cornish crab on granary. There is no better lunch time sandwich shop in London especially the great selection of fine Italian salads. Roll on tomorrow for the fresh fish, Chef Simon.

  12. Anon - always loved the smoked halibut but am thrilled they now do crab! I must revisit soon!!
