
Monday 21 June 2010

Why I Love Nando's

You're probably thinking I've gone mad but I was inspired to write this post after reading this article by Miranda Sawyer in the Observer Food Monthly and by Catty's challenge to find dinner for two in Central London for less than £14.

Whilst I'm a bit sniffy about many chain eateries, I've always had a soft spot for Nando's from when I first started going in the 1990's. This might be food blogger heresy but given the choice between their piri-piri chicken and a 'gourmet' burger from the likes of Byron or GBK, more often than not, I'd go for the chicken.

The Observer article articulates far better why Nando's is so popular and it raises some interesting points. In particular, its inclusive appeal, which I think society at large can learn from. Before you think I've gone totally stark raving bonkers, where else do you see teenagers, families with young kids, pensioners, and thirtysomething food bloggers eating in the same place ? Testament to its widespread appeal is that this is one of the few non-Chinese eateries where my Mum will eat.

My usual order ? It's half chicken w/chips & corn on the cob (£9.10). For a lighter meal, I used to go for chicken breast fillet pitta w/chips (£6.60) but recently I've fallen for their chicken breast fillet wrap w/chips (£7.60) as pictured. Going back to Catty's challenge, you could easily have dinner here for two for less than £14.

I might get some stick for writing this post as Sawyer did for her Observer article but you'd have to be a fundamentalist foodie to have issues with Nando's. At the end of the day, it's a handy place to grab a quick, tasty, and relatively healthy meal.

Nando's on Urbanspoon


  1. I'm one of those who goes between the Nando's at my office and near my home collecting all the loyalty stamps (just redeemed a whole chicken two weeks back). While I agree that Nando's is a handy meal, I find the spices used to grilled is didn't really come through. It could be a case of under marinating. I ended up covering my chicken with loads of those peri-peri sauce.

    After a while, it gets too salty. Got to watch my diet nowadays. Will wait awhile before I start collecting the stamps again.

  2. I've never got on with Nandos; I just dread to think where they must get their chickens from to be able to sell it at those prices.

    Oh, and witnessing my ex boyfriend have severe stomach cramping from a certain branch of Nandos three times (he never learnt...). That also put me off.

  3. I'm with Lizzie on this one, not sure where they get their meat from at that price. Mind you, I do eat at a number of kebab places with low prices too... inconsistent? Moi? I think everyone has their cheap/bad food guilty pleasures though.

  4. Quarter chicken and chips for me please! And the corn on the cob too! :)

    Have you seen those Nandos Peri Peri crisps at the supermarket? I quite like the hot ones!

  5. LC - I think you're suffering from a case of overexposure to Nando's. Cold turkey (or should that be chicken?) is needed for a while.

    Lizzie - according to the Observer article, the chicken is neither free range nor battery. BTW - are you sure your ex's stomach cramps weren't brought in by what he drank before or after the Nando's?

    Gworm - I know what you're saying but I think Nando's is a cut above the guilty pleasure.

    Su-Lin - not seen the crisps, I will definitely check these out. Thanks!

  6. The one time I ate at a Nando's, the chicken was incredibly dry and not tasty. Among the London chain restaurants, I'll take Byron or Carluccio's any day over Nando's.

    So I guess I'm saying I object to Nando's based on taste. From your post, it sounds like I had a one-off bad meal and should give it another try.

  7. AinL - I think you may have had a duff bit of chicken. For me, Nando's is an occasional treat for a work lunch, a quick bite when out shopping, or when I can't be arsed to cook.

  8. Haha - your dirty choice! I have to admit I absolutely love Nandos. If you ever go to Ecuador/ Peru that is pretty much the national dish (roasted chicken and chips) and I ate far far too many of them

  9. Tom - chicken & chips, you can't go far wrong! As you're now in HK, you should try the Macau-style African chicken.

  10. Send me an email with a place and hella yeah I am in!

  11. Haha - Haven't had it for ages (too long perhaps) but I've always liked Nandos too!

  12. Tom - sorry mate, no idea where to get decent African chicken in HK.

    GDiva - I knew you'd be a fan, I've seen Nando's in Oz!

  13. You are not alone. I too love Nandos. Fact--the guy who did the menu at the new Dishoom also does Nandos.

    I like their nuts, in particular.

  14. Krista - Dishoom is on my never ending ever growing list.
